Jerry and bis best friends (Quelle: Ascot Elite)
Inhalt: Actually almost everybody gets on well with Jerry (Ryan Reynolds, „Wie ausgewechselt“)during his work at a packing station. Despite his numerous quirks the simple minded guy seems to be the impersonation of kindness. Together with his shrink (Jacki Weaver, „Haunt – Das Böse erwacht“)he tries to cope with his everyday problems. At his workplace he manages to get closer to the pretty accountance Fiona (Gemma Arterton, „Hänsel und Gretel – Hexenjäger“). However, no one guesses what’s really going on with Jerry: At home he gets life coaching from his dog Bosco and his cat Mr. Whiskers. This turns out to be a problem: by the time his date with Fiona comes to a sudden and bloody end he has to rely on his pets to get him out of this situation. Will his colleague Lisa (Anna Kendrick, „50/50 – Freunde fürs (Über)Leben“) be able to help him?
Kritik: The Iranian directress Marjane Satrapi had her big break together with Vincent Parronoud in 2007 with the Oscar-nominated animated feature. „The Voices“ is the first big movie she directs on her own and she delivers a “gloriously loopy” movie. At first sight everything looks as normal for the viewer as it does for Jerry’s colleagues. Sure, the hero is kind of a weirdo but this does not necessarily have to mean anything At the time, Mr. Whiskers starts to whisper malignities with his Scottish accent into Jerrys ear, one realizes how different the world in „The Voices“ is. As events come thick and fast one is willing to define “black humour” in a different way. It is a macabre stroke of genius how the always helpful personal angel (Bosco) and the devil (Mr. Whiskers) misuse Tupperware and at the same time very smart how Satrapi provides a serious basis to the weird hustle and bustle. As soon as Jerry takes his medicine and realizes his cheerless existence, the viewer starts sympathizing with him.
And the Oscar goes to Ryan Reynolds?
Apart from that the lead character seems to be a great mixture of Norman Bates and Bugs Bunny. Ryan Reynolds has proved his acting capabilities in movies like „Buried“. However, not many people would have expected such a great performance in this over-the-top but still demanding role.. His wonderful cranky, unconventional and very sympathetic way to interpret Jerry is one of the main reasons that „The Voices“ is so much fun to watch. The arguments with his pets are simply hilarious and good cinema. By the way: Reynolds lends his adjusted voice to Bosco, Mr. Whiskers and two other characters, which makes the whole movie still more ludicrous. Even if the name Reynolds and a movie that quirky don’t seem to fit very well , Reynolds acting performance makes him a serious Oscar candidate. The viewers can also look forward to great female co-stars. Despite a literally restricted scope Gemma Arterton delivers an original and humorous performance. Anna Kendrick is as cute as always and makes a great contribution to the success of the movie. Jacki Weaver completes the main cast playing Jerrys clueless shrink.
Of course there will be people who can’t and won’t handle with this completely from top to bottom morbid comedy. Additionally there is a (brillant) closing sequence which might offend some advocates of the catholic church. Nevertheless the viewers enjoy a creative, extremly funny and still intelligent movie. At the time Mr Whiskers suggests to Jerry to buy a bigger fridge to carry on with his work, everybody enjoying black humour wishes that he really does so. Marjane Satrapi delivers with the „The Voices“ a movie which is different in every way and – not just because of Reynolds spectacular performance – makes it a great experience
4,5/5 Points
Quelle: Red Carpet News TV, YouTube